
GPT-4 generated quizzes experiment
  • A website with the title: "Are you feeling Quizzical?". Below there is an input with the placeholder: "Please enter quiz topic", after that there is a button with the label "Generate".
    The homepage of quizical.org designed to invite the user to type anything
  • A webpage with the title "Cuineiform Conundrums". Below there is a button labelled "Let's get Quizical".
    The quiz entry page
  • A quiz page with the title "Cuneiform was primarily written on which medium?", below there are four options: Papyrus, clay tablets, stone slabs and animal skins. "Clay tablets" is selected and marked as green for correct.
    A question with the correct answer selected
  • A quiz result page. First there are two links: go back and try again. Then a label that says "You got 11 out 12 correct", then the title says "Remarkable understanding of ancient scripts". Then there is section showing correct and wrong answers.
    The quiz results page

Key Information

Language Typescript
Technologies Sveltekit, Cloudflare Workers, Cloudflare D1, tRPC
Demo quizical.org

Quizical is a website I built in the beginning of 2024, to experiment with creating LLM generated quizzes using gpt-4.

You can enter any topic, and a quiz with 12 questions will be generated. You can start the quiz as soon as the first question is generated. The response from OpenAI is streamed and parsed and added to the database in real time. Neat, but also prone to a bit of flakiness.

It also generates different messages for the result screen, depending on how well you did. It also generates easter egg messages, e.g. if you get all but the last question right.

It was important to me to not just generate AI crap and publish it on the internet, so it's based on user input only. This allows some pretty crazy and niche quizzes.

The website is deployed on Cloudflare Workers, and uses queues and D1 SQL behind the scenes. So it is scalable (even though that's not really necessary), but it also incurs very little cost when there are no visitors.

This is definitely a project I'd like to pick up again and polish a bit. There are also more capable models than gpt-4 now, how time flies!